Thursday, November 29, 2012

Yesterday morning we heard of a possible donor for Abbey, but because of the extensive process required, we didn't know for sure until midnight.

At 1:00 am this morning, the 9 hour surgery began and Abbey received the greatest gift that anyone could give, a chance at life.  We are forever grateful to this person and their family that gave life to our sweet, fun, strong, brave, and optimistic 11 year old girl. 

Seems as though we can't say enough how blessed and thankful we are to have such great surgeons, doctors, and nurses that have been so kind.

Although we know that the journey for our little Abbey has just begun, we couldn't be more happy and grateful that she has a fighting chance.

Please continue to keep her in your prayers as we know this is just the start

The Owens


  1. Such great news!! Reading what you wrote about the gift this individual gave Abbey, the gift of life, a chance to live, makes me think of our Savior, and how He gave His life for each of us. I know that through Him you will find the strength to caryy on this journey you've begun.

  2. I am Mrs. Hancock, a student teacher in Abbey's class. I am with a bunch of girls in the class and we came in at lunch to check how Abbey is doing. We are so ecstatic to hear the great news! We love Abbey and miss her so much! Send her our love!
    Mrs. Hancock, Emma/Mark #4, Hanna, Kyleigh, Maddie, Makayla, and Danni

  3. Couldn't be any more happy!! Christmas came early for Abbey and her family. Thank you for having the blog so that we all can keep in touch with "Abbey's Journey." Lots of love and lots of prayers sent your way.

  4. So So So So happy to hear she has a donor!!! I have been praying for you guys like crazy!!! Best of wishes in everything!!! Please let us know if you need anything! We go down to primary and we have a neighbor (16) that has cancer that his family is always going down there that we could send things with them.

    1. Sorry we go down to salt lake 2 a month at least and our neighbor goes down a lot

  5. Crying as I type and you know I don't cry. Wonderful news!! Please call if I can do ANYTHING (laundry, stock your fridge, run something to SLC, I don't care what!)

  6. Pure delight to hear this miraculous story! Prayers and strength to her and her family!

  7. We are so happy for you all! We will continue to pray for a speedy recovery!

  8. We are so happy to hear of this great news, true blessings from heaven! We love you and will continue to pray for you!

  9. This is amazing news! We will continue to send thoughts and prayers your direction. Much Love!

  10. This news just made a mediocre day into an awesome one!

    The amount of joy and happiness I see as I read through the replies prompts me to encourage all that are able to do so, to become tissue donors.

  11. We are so happy to hear such great news!! You are in our thoughts and prayers and we are all cheering you on!!

  12. ABBEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! I love you and hope you are okay. give yourself a big hug (if you can) for me! My sister lives by primary childrens, so something is on the way!!! I love ya brova.
    - Emma/mark #4

  13. We just heard and are just excited over the news! Gracie and I send our love and you are in our prayers and thoughts daily! Love to you!

  14. Abbey this is Makayla, i miss you and am exited to hear the news! i hope that you can get better soon! i will keep praying and fasting for you. when we read the blog at lunch time at school, we were jumping with joy!!!

    love, makayla

  15. Thinking and praying for you daily! So happy to hear about the donor! You have an amazing family who inspires us alll.

  16. This is Hanna pence I am so happy abbey got a liver she has always been a great friend to me i hope every thing goes well . I will keep praying for abbey!
    Love, Hanna pence

  17. Hi Abbey, this is Kyleigh. My family and I are so excited that you received a new liver. At lunch we were screaming and jumping up and down because we were so excited. I love and miss you a lot. Get better soon so that we can hang out.
    Love, Kyleigh

  18. We are all pulling for Abbey here! Let us know if you need anything Pooka! We are here for you my friend! Love and prayers.

    Lisa Mullenax

  19. I just wanted to let you know that we have been praying for Abbey and your family since we learned what she is going through. Danni has been so very worried and asking so many questions. She and her friends initiated a fast for Abbey and continuously pray for each of you. On December 15th we celebrate our 10th LIVER DAY for Danni's older sister, Sam. We were so very blessed 10 years ago that she received a portion of her uncle's liver at PCMC. You have the very doctors, surgeons, and nurses caring for your little girl, PCMC is the place to be!

    Tiffany Bears

  20. We are so excited for you. We hope that everything continues to go well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys.
